And the Best AC Slogan is…

In this year’s NuVoodoo Ratings Prospects Study we asked respondents about several dozen positioning statements and slogans used on stations around the country.  Here we’ll isolate a sampling of statements and slogans as rated by (mainly women) who are P1 to an AC.  We’ll also disclaim that it’s a national sample and that the results for a specific AC station can certainly vary – but we believe these results will be directionally correct in many situations.

Start with 4 slogans and positioners that may or may not be appropriate for CHR.  Right away, we see that the AC constituency isn’t that interested in the hit music – though the assertion the station’s market rank doesn’t carry any weight here.


And, while radio doesn’t talk about Top 40 any longer doesn’t mean consumers don’t.  Top 40 having more appeal than Hit Music among these AC P1’s.  Unlike the relaxing messaging of the Beautiful Music stations generations ago, mood isn’t a primary motivator here.  But, we see that Getting energized is attractive to more people than Relax & unwind.


While it’s not at the bottom of the chart, the list of three ingredients is less appealing than the list of two ingredients.  New or repositioned stations do need to define their playlists for consumers, but these more complicated listings of ingredients rarely seem that appetizing.  Perhaps the list of ingredients here, 90’s, 2K & Today, is more appealing than the possible slogan for KFC or Popeye’s: Dead Chicken, Breaded and Submerged in Boiling Oil.  What’s missing is a benefit to the listener.


At the top of the list among these AC P1’s is Songs that make you feel good – and who wouldn’t find that appealing?  Many consumers tell us they turn to the radio to improve or maintain their mood.  Statements that resonate with that goal will always get their attention.

We’re certain that creative programming and marketing minds will come up with better wording than our attempt with A favorite song very soon after you tune in, but again, it’s a real listener benefit that gets attention from these AC P1’s – and one that well-programmed AC’s deliver on easily every quarter hour.

With so much at stake as radio battles Pandora and other digital pure plays, it’s imperative that radio connect emotionally with listeners.  If you’re giving listeners a how-to manual of the eras in your playlist, consider either switching to something that communicates a benefit or heavily supporting your listing with positioners that communicate the benefits of choosing your station.